The power of choice
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By Banke David
31 January 2025
Routing Number: 064209588
Account Number: 200001316691
Bank Name: Thread Bank
Everyday in life, we are faced with choices to make. These can be mundane choices ranging from what to wear, where to go on a daily basis or even the choice to do nothing about a pressing situation. This in itself is also a choice!
Some choices have a great impact on our future, and the effects are long lasting while others may be ephemeral. Even choices that seem mundane, like what we eat on a daily basis after a while, add up and impact physical health, mood, body functioning and consequent well-being
Other choices may weigh more heavily on one's life path like the choice of career, who you choose to do life with, the friends you hang around, financial decisions, and so on. Even the choice to do nothing in some situations may be an unconscious choice for failure and retrogression
Life may hand a person some lemons or unfavorable circumstances, but the way one reacts to such situations is entirely up to oneself. Or perhaps you may have been handed a curveball but despite this, it is entirely up to the individual to rise above such negativity.
Nick Vijicic is a man who was born without arms and legs but rather than wallowing in self-pity, he decided to be an inspiration by telling his story and doing things that otherwise would have been impossible. He swims and eats with his limbs and has overcome so many obstacles that have defeated others.
What an inspiration!!! Nick has impacted the lives of countless people all the world by rising above mitigating handicaps and negative situations, which would have left him in despair but he rather chose to use these disadvantages to benefit mankind.
How can we rise above limiting beliefs, negative circumstances and seeming obstacles to make the right choices that position us for success in life? Are you ready to do what what it takes to become the best version of yourself?
Preorder this book and be on the path to making the right choices for your future.
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