Smashing your goals
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By Banke David
2 December 2024
Routing Number: 064209588
Account Number: 200001316691
Bank Name: Thread Bank
Most people have a picture of where they would like to be or milestones they would like to achieve but find that at the end of the year or a specified period of time they have not really achieved the desired dreams or set objectives.
What seems to be the difference between a high achiever and another person who cannot meet his goals? How can we become people who smash our goals effortlessly (seemingly) and become people of influence?
The story is told of a man who desired to become a great motivator and influencer. He however spent his time with friends who were not just idle but nay-sayers; they never saw the good in a project or anybody at that!. They kept on repeating bad news and after a while the dream in this gentleman died as he became disenfranchised.
There is a saying that goes- "You're the average of the 5 closest people you spend your time with"- Jim Rohn and this saying only goes to show the power of influence or close association. It becomes imperative therefore to surround yourself with people you aspire to be like or people who would help you grow and not drain you.
What other factors could help you achieve your goals easily? Find out these and more in this easy read as you get practical tips on heading in the right direction, eliminating time wasters and also learn how to set achievable targets for yourself.
Welcome to positive change
Inspire coaching LLC
Welcome to Positive Change by Inspire Coaching LLC is an insightful and motivational guide to achieving success. It explores why many struggle to meet their goals and highlights the power of associations, inspired by Jim Rohn’s famous quote: “You’re the average of the five closest people you spend your time with.” The book provides practical tips on eliminating distractions, setting achievable targets, and surrounding yourself with the right influences. A short yet impactful read for anyone looking to unlock their potential and achieve their goals effortlessly.