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The Life of my dreams

The Life of my dreams

By Banke David

12 April 2024



To have a dream is to have a picture of one's future, to aspire to become something- a personal goal or burning desire.

It is very important to have dreams because it is people with dreams that rule the world. Martin Luther King (Jnr) of blessed memory on his speech said "I have a dream...." and that dream fueled him to action for the benefit of society.

A man who dreams or desires a thing without proper planning to actualize those dreams is merely fantasizing.

The plans of God for one's life or God's purpose for one's life is a bigger picture of what one is meant to be in line with God's will. It is usually bigger than one's capacity and requires dependence on God and helpers to actualize it.

An example of this difference between ones plans and Gods purposes could be illustrated as follows:- A person may desire or dream of becoming a singer but God's will may be for this person to sing and preach around the world on global platforms bringing healing and restoration to lost souls

Even when God has revealed his purposes for ones life and you are in alignment with God's plans, there may be obstacles on your path. How does one overcome these obstacles, grow from challenges faced to remain focused, relevant and inspired?

When God places his dreams in your heart, it's not a mere fantasy or figment of your imagination; it's divinely orchestrated by God to fulfill a larger plan.

I desire that this book helps many to distinguish God's plans for their lives and to walk in alignment with God even as they fulfill their personal plans or give it up for the larger picture from God

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